Sunday, January 13, 2008

Pardon Me While I Rant...

I gotta say, I am super frustrated with the comments on United Hollywood and the direction that it is going.  For the past several weeks, the quantity and quality of comments has plummeted.  I originally wrote this off to the holidays, but the brain freeze continues.

First, the moderation of comments has really turned discussion into a series of time-separated opinions.  That is to say, the discussion is gone.

Second, and more importantly, the voices that remain just seem like total drank-the-kool-aid types.  There's seemingly no rational thought over there.  It's hard-line party-line the whole way.

I'm not saying that because people disagree with me that they're automatically wrong.  But no one is even open to the idea that there might be other ideas out there.

Any idea that might possibly have benefits for the AMPTP is automatically dismissed -- no matter how much benefit is might ALSO HAVE for the WGA.

These folks are in serious "cut off your nose to spite your face" mode.

The list of mistakes that have been made by the WGA leadership in this Strike is profound.  Any attempt to prevent future mistakes is met with a lemming-like loyalty to the Guild that would be laughable if it weren't so disturbing.

I am more and more convinced that the only hope we have is that the DGA get a good enough deal, and soon.  I mean, we knew this going into 2008, but it is more apparent than ever.  If WGA doesn't sign whatever deal DGA gets, this Strike is going to go through August or September.

I know that the commenters on UH are not the negotiating committee of the WGA.  But they used to be better than the Neg-Com.  If they still are, we're all screwed.


dan said...

Rant on.

I used to work for the WGA as an organizer.

I'm a working IATSE member.

I've seen first hand how they 'planned' for this strike and the Top Model strike.

I think it's great that they want to revitalize the labor movement. I just don't think they're going to... at least not like this.

not a troll said...

Thank you. The writers have lost far more than they would have ever gained. They want respect, they can kiss that goodbye. They have been so mean and petty there will truly be bad blood when this is finally over.

Anonymous said...

I have noted both there and on Nikki Finke's site that anyone who says anything different than the hardline position gets shouted down and called names. I am forced to agree that there will be some very bad blood when this is done.

The fact that the DGA met with the AMPTP is a hopeful sign that they are trying to get us out of this mess, and that they recognize the urgency. At the same time, I don't think it's a small matter that the Academy Awards may be providing some pressure as well.

Mark Evanier posted a few of his ideas of how this may work out, which are similar to what I have thought, but with a different twist. In his book, he sees four possible outcomes of the DGA talks. One, the DGA gets a crappy deal and nobody else will take it; the strike goes on. Two, the DGA gets a deal everyone can live with, and after the WGA haggling is done, we're back at work. Three, the DGA is unable to come to a deal with the AMPTP because the moguls won't make a deal with anyone, which leads to a massive three-guild strike. Four, the DGA makes a deal, but which is so specific to DGA interests that it's useless to anyone else; the strike goes on.

Obviously, his second item is the one most people are hoping for now. The first item is not very likely, given the work DGA has done to get a better deal. The third item is also not very likely, given the incentive AMPTP has to make a deal and given that they're trying to make more money, not kill the business entirely. The fourth item causes me some concern, though. Not because I think the DGA would go for a poison pill contract, but because I am concerned that the hardliners at the WGA and SAG may portray any DGA contract as a poison pill if it doesn't give them everything, and the bag of chips. If that happens, we could be looking at a strike that goes into the summer and takes out the WGA along with a lot of the IA crew people.

not a troll said...

I think the DGA will have a deal soon and I think it be something the WGA and the AMPTP can use to get back to the table. I think the studios want this strike to end. Unfortunately, it will be too late for some people and many shows will not come back.

Anonymous said...

Ya know, up until a few days ago those paranoid regular posters over on UH and DH got me all worked up and angry. Then I took a few days off from reading their moderated discussion while driving on a feature film (yes, the are still shooting in LA! A 2 day miracle call for me), and came to realize that these few people ranting are really not being heard by anyone. Their shit stirring opinions do not amout to a zit on a hogs ass.

Though they follow their leaders they SHILL for blindly, they are in for a shock as the DGA went in after consulting with to let them know what they would accept to settle. The same psuedo tough leaders will make the pitch that "gee guys, this looks pretty fair" when the DGA announces terms soon.

The real writers in the WGA rank and file will ratify a deal or demand that the leaders get the same before it is too late.

If the WGA tries to hold out after a DGA deal is made they will lose any support from the rest of us in Hollywood and either take a deal or get run out of town on a rail.

My hope is to see the DGA make a deal that creates a fair template on residuals that we can all live with and get back to work doing what we do best. I truly believe that the DGA has this in mind as they sit at the table.

Go get 'em guys!

BTL 399

Anonymous said...

I promised you weeks ago that I was through with UH and I've kept my word.

Writers promoting censorship. Wonders never cease!

BTS Buzz said...

I agree wholeheartedly. The over-moderation has gotten out of control. Because blogs are a difficult way to follow conversations, I set up a skeleton forum this morning.

Go here:
and as long as people don't do anything illegal, you can talk away.

I hope it's ok for me to post that link here. I just would like a place for honest, open discussion.

Anonymous said...

Well the good news is that the DGA met testerday (Sun) and will meet again today. Working through the weekend is great news in my book and shows that they want it to happen.

On a side note I see that Nikki Finke has folded up her tent for a week due to exhaustion, and said: " I look forward to coming back on January 22nd and finding it settled (?)."
Maybe she knows something?

Keep the faith Brothers and Sisters!

BTL 399

BTL Guy said...

Unable to argue the points, the chants of "shill" and "AMPTP plant" are back.

It's really becoming a fishbowl over there, and it's shrinking. And they're replacing the water with the magic kool-aid. Can't swim here unless you're just like us. Can't swim here unless you drink the kool-aid.

"You're with us or you're against us."

"You're saying what the AMPTP wants to hear."

That's the attitude over on UH now. It always tended that way, but now it's full blown.

Maybe I just haven't seen the light. Maybe the WGA leadership is perfect and doesn't make any mistakes. Maybe there will be no mistakes in the future either. Maybe this strike was a brilliant idea, borne from expert planning.

Hey what flavor is that kool-aid? Cherry? Mmmmm. Cherrrrrryyyy.....

Anonymous said...

What you're hearing is partly desperation. With the DGA having spent this weekend in talks to get a new contract, and with those talks not having been derailed in the manner that some hardliners were speculating, the industry's attention is turning from the WGA to the DGA. The quick interim side deals with MRC and Spyglass today just point this up. They're all well and good, but they bring us no closer to a new contract.

As part of my perusals of the UH site, I have also read the op-eds by Robert J. Elisberg. Am I the only one who finds his tone to be smug and his perception of the facts to be more than a little off? I have counted multiple disingenuous statements and some outright falsehoods in each of his columns, yet he's been touted as a reasonable voice. Am I judging him too harshly?

BTL Guy said...


Hadn't read Elisberg until now.

Wow. Everything -- EVERYTHING -- is someone else's fault.

You like TV? It's cos a writer wrote it.

You don't like TV? It's cos a network exec approved it, then sent inane notes to an otherwise very talented writer.

You hear that things aren't going well? You're misinformed.

WGA has crap negotiators? There's no one to negotiate with (never-mind the fact that there was, once).

WGA shouldn't have added Animation or Reality? They were always there. (Strange, but that's not really addressing the question, is it? Can't it still be a bad idea, no matter how long it's been there?)


My biggest problem is that so many have embraced an LA Times Editorial that says Strike is like war (strange, but that's what I've been saying forever), as though it were some sort of manifest destiny.

"Oh, that article justifies EVERYTHING WE DO."


Unknown said...

I would have to agree that the WGA leadership is not doing a good job. The only thing they seem to do smart as of late is cancel their awards ceremony. Some of us were trying to get a mess of people down to the Bonaventure to picket the WGA Awards. (See how they like crossing a picket line.) In the meantime, the WGA need a good leader. Someone who has clear vision, knows how to start a job, and finish it. Someone who can see the strike to it's happy conclusion. I hear George Bush will be needing a job next year, maybe the WGA should get him.