Thursday, January 17, 2008

IF there were a DGA Deal now, what would it mean?

There's yet another rumor that the DGA deal is done. Especially considering what happened earlier in the week, I would take this with an even bigger grain of salt than usual (is UnitedHollywood the new DeadlineHollwoodDaily?).  

I personally heard rumblings about this yesterday, but chose not to post it because, well, who knows anything for sure (besides those actually in the room -- and I'm not in the room!)...  
As a general note, I'd find it almost impossible to believe that the DGA would sign a deal -- after only a week -- that wasn't good enough for WGA.  

But who knows?  

If there really is a DGA deal, then we are at a major tipping point in the strike. Either the WGA will sign a similar deal within the next week or two, or this will go through the end of Summer.  

There's really no middle ground that I can see.


Anonymous said...

Variety is now reporting a tentative deal...

Anonymous said...

You're correct that we're either in the endgame of the strike, or we're looking at staying out through the summer. There is no middle ground. So far, the WGA hardliners are indicating they want the strike to continue. I'm really hoping that cooler heads will prevail.