Saturday, January 5, 2008

WGA Staffers Are Set To Picket WGA Itself

In this article from the NY Post, we learn that sometimes Unions are also management...

Apparently the staff of the WGAe are part of the Newspaper Guild.  They negotiated a new contract with WGA in October, but the WGA has yet to sign it.  Further, the Staffers' Union alleges that the WGA changed the numbers on the contract after it was ratified.

The Newspaper Guild has filed a complaint with the National Labor Resource Board and may go on strike!

Word from WGAe: "Doh!"


Post Guy said...

Wow, hadn't seen this one. Do you have a link to the Times article?

BTL Guy said...

Hey there, sorry - I had meant to include it as part of the original post. I've edited the post to include the link.

dan said...

Even more astounding, the staff at the WGAw is completely non union. They tried to organize a couple of years ago, but encountered too much resistance from the staff management.

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised that the writers have a double standard. They've proven their selfishness to me already by putting so many people out of work when they still had other options.

I hope the writers get their deal and then I hope they all suffer the worlds worst writer's block and are replaced by new, talented creative people with fresh ideas who are currently working in below the jobs. Why, because I'm feeling spiteful and I really resent their failed strategy which has cost us all so much.

I don't apologize for my bitchy attitude towards them either.

BTL Guy said...

I entered a comment about this story on UH, but the comment was not posted.

Not sure if this is the beginning of moderating for content, or if this one just slipped through.

So far, I've seen no other evidence of UnitedHollywood moderating comments for reasons other than extreme anger/threats or spam.

Something to keep a continued eye on...

Anonymous said...

Shoot, they have to let the occasional unfavorable comment through just to keep up the illusion. You can be that they filter out a great many comments that they don't like. This topic will never post on UH. If it does, it will come with the most bullshit spin you can imagine.

BTL Guy said...

Anon @ 7:45,

I hear what you're saying, but I gotta call'em as I see 'em and, so far at least, UH has been very fair with my comments.

This one is the first that hasn't made it up (and there's still a chance it will).

On top of that, they gave my "Cease Fire" post a front-page link, even though they didn't agree with it.

Having said that, yeah, I'd be shocked if this gets any play until the staffers actually go on strike.

Anonymous said...

This is really bad press for them. I'm sure that they are squirming a little over it. Mark my words, when the story does get out, they will call it a conspiracy by the "AMPTP shills". God, haven't we heard that until we could just vomit. They pick and choose what they want to accept and then wage a smear campaign against anyone with an opinion that goes beyond their level of comfort. That site is a joke at this point. I don't even post there anymore.

Anonymous said...

As far as their moderating comments goes, that's just censorship pure and simple. Of course, you're going to encounter some bad behavior, but in order to have an open dialog you have to give everyone a voice. Even if they are crude and obnoxious. Once you start censoring people, where does it stop. Shocking to me, writers adopting a policy of censorship. Again, more hypocrisy.

BTL Guy said...

UPDATE - My "missing" comment has been posted on UH.

Anonymous said...

You must have the patients of a saint to participate in the discussion at UH.

Anonymous said...

Errr...freudian slip. I meant patience. I quit posting over there due to the high number of mental patients that I encountered.