After watching the Iowa Caucuses and the two-party debate in New Hampshire, I have decided to endorse (for whatever THAT'S worth!) Sen. Barack Obama for president.
All this talk of being "the candidate of change" is nice, but what's really important are the candidate's ideas, in the scope of our nation's history, and Obama may be the one candidate capable of uniting the people of this nation and putting us back on the path to greatness as a country.
For twenty years, two families have held the White House. Do we really want to extend that streak to 24 or 28? Do we really want history to record a list of presidents that goes Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton? Certainly this alone is not reason to vote against Hillary. But the underlying meaning is that we need to look forward, not back.
Barack Obama for President.

(I promise, this will be my only post about politics for politics' sake. Thank you for indulging me.)
Yeah, good idea. A one-term senator with a poor attendance record with good ideas and a great talent for public speaking should go into the oval office and rule the world.
I'm not a Republican....and it's probably Bush's fault that he's getting all the hype. But experience MATTERS.
The smart voter knows proposals don't mean squat. At the end of the day, you elect the person who is experienced enough to make the tough decisions. Bush was not. Do you really want four more years of another inexperienced president? Do you really want his first true leadership position to be the President of the United States of America??????
I'm trully frightened. Stop electing the more "down to earth" candidates who talk nice and start electing true leaders. It's not about what the candidate's last name's about experience. Experience. Experience. Experience.
In the white house, you cannot make mistakes. In the white house, mistakes cost lives and affect the lives of the entire world.
Give him four or eight more years before you throw him into the lion's den.
Obama's speechwriters are very good. The slogans like 'audacity of hope' and 'change we can believe in' are completely devoid of any meaning. There's no promise for better life for an average American. If he gets elected we'll get our 21st century Jimmy Carter. A real nice guy - a lousy president.
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