Wednesday, December 12, 2007

DGA To The Rescue!

Looks like DGA has had enough with the WGA flailing about.

This is the letter sent by the DGA to members of the WGA who had written letters to the Directors asking them -- against all reason -- not to start their negotiations.

Dear Member,
We didn't want to let too much time go by before we answered your letter. We want you to know this response comes from our heartfelt understanding of the difficult times we are all in together.

The DGA Negotiations Committee had its fourth meeting yesterday and we discussed your letter. We mention this so you will understand that this response reflects the very open discussion we had with your fellow Guild members.

To begin with, we understand the importance of new media and its potential impact on all our futures -- and on those who follow us. DGA has spent close to 18 months developing research, meeting with outside experts, and talking to our members about these issues. They have been discussed by the Board and the Negotiations Committee for well over a year.

We understand well the importance of protecting our members. We will not rest until our members get a fair and equitable deal for the work they create in both old and new media. Since its founding, the Guild has consistently fought hard for that goal. For more than 70 years we have managed, often without fanfare, to negotiate good deals for all of us and we are proud of the strength of our Basic Agreement. We have no intention of letting our members down or betraying the rights of the directors who went before us. There is a reason that few in the industry ever accuse the DGA or its members of being pushovers. We've never been that and we don't plan to start now.

This issue is not between the DGA and the WGA. To make that the fight only strengthens the other side. But sharing a goal is not the same as sharing tactics and strategy. And our differing views of the best way to achieve our goals may lead us to act differently. Traditionally our negotiations start early and usually are done by January. This has been our pattern for the past 20 years for a very simple reason: We believe -- and our experience shows -- that this is the most effective way to negotiate the best deal. The WGA has made a different decision on how to handle their negotiations. Out of respect for them, we have done what you asked for in your letter -- we have refrained from commencing our own negotiations. And, at the same time we have refrained from commenting publicly on our thoughts about the direction of their proposals and the progress of their negotiations.

But the reality is that WGA and the AMPTP have been meeting since July -- and, despite a strike that has put tens of thousands of people out of work, they seem nowhere near reaching a deal. Each passing day, more people are unemployed. We are getting calls from members who are worried about their economic livelihood and their families. We're sure you feel the same concern for yourselves and the people who work for you.

Because so much time has gone by without any resolution, we find ourselves faced with some hard questions. Is a fresh perspective -- and additional muscle -- needed to get the job done? Is it our turn to sit across the table from the AMPTP? What we know is that we cannot abdicate our responsibility to our members by putting their fate in the hands of another union whose tactics and strategy we have not been able to influence. Our members expect the Guild to fight for them when things get tough. We promised all of you we would do that in our most recent membership letter. We believe this is the essence of responsible unionism, which is the least you and all our members have a right to expect from us.


Michael Apted
DGA President

Gil Cates
Chair, DGA Negotiations Committee

Jay D. Roth
DGA National Executive Director


Anonymous said...

"This issue is not between the DGA and the WGA. To make that the fight only strengthens the other side. But sharing a goal is not the same as sharing tactics and strategy."

Doesn't this sound familiar?

My Heroes!!!! I'm not going over there, but I'll bet UH is reaming the DGA a new one. Just the way they did us.

Anonymous said...

I peeked a little today. But I didn't get involved.

Tell me, have you seen any backlash towards the DGA for the statements they made in this letter? You know, the same types of statements that we have been making over these six long weeks. Such as "sharing the goal is not the same as sharing tactics and strategy" and voicing a real concern for people who have lost all of their income over this.
I didn't see any of these kinds of comments. We sure got our butts chewed for saying these things.

I know that the DGA gave them 2 more weeks. Maybe they are holding off on the personal attacks against DGA members until then. Or maybe it's just us BTL that don't get any respect from the WGA.

What's your take?

BTL Guy said...

There seems to be a real split among the writers who post on UH. Not a "divide" in the sense of negotiations, but a split of opinion.

Some writers agree that as long as the WGA are getting nowhere, then it only helps that DGA get involved.

Others are really upset, calling it "a thumb in the eye of the WGA." I don't mean to generalize, but the ones who are upset seem to be more of a militant faction. They really seem to want to do the whole things themselves. They don't want anybody's help, but of course, they want everyone's support.

Overall, though, things are getting out of hand over there -- a ton of back-and-forth attacks that are straying further from the topic with each post.

Truthfully, if the sides aren't talking, there's not much to post about, so old ideas get dredged up and personal attacks start flowing....

Anonymous said...

I always wonder about the "writers" who post on UH. Anyone can post there, so you could be hearing from some snotty nosed kid who just wants to start trouble or is talking completely out of their ass. Often, I think you are talking to writers who aren't even in the guild, so while their opinion might be interesting, it really is less their issue than it is ours. Sometimes, when I begin to feel like "Geez, I never knew writers were such a-holes", I step back and remember that I don't really know who I am talking to at all. It makes me feel bad for the individual writers who really are good people but are being so poorly represented by God knows who.

By the way, I think it's nice that you aren't all hung up on the identity thing here. I appreciate being able to have a conversation without submitting a photo, full resume and social security number. Sometimes, it is important to the free flow of ideas that a person is able to say what they really think or feel without the fear of reprisal. Of course, some will abuse the system. But, it's still important.
You can see from the hatefulness of the dialog on this issue that there will be those out for revenge. It's sick.